Facial Plastic Surgery: Get The Facts First
Posted on: 27 September 2016
You're considering facial plastic surgery. But you think it's only for the super-wealthy celebs you see on TV reality shows. Not so. Before you make a decision to dive in and go for it, learn what the facts (and the fictions) are. Check out the answers to these need-to-know questions before choosing whether a facial surgery is right for you.
Does insurance pay for these types of procedures?
There's no one answer for this question. In some cases, no. But, in some cases, the answer is yes. Not every facial surgery is a completely elective procedure. Some surgeries are considered medically necessary. If your procedure is, then it's likely (depending on your plan) that your insurance will cover at least some of the costs.
Are facial surgeries invasive?
Not always. Again, there's no clear-cut, 100 percent answer to this question. It depends on what type of surgery you need or want to have. Let's say you want to get rid of some of those pesky sun spots on your face. A laser resurfacing treatment doesn't involve cutting or the same types of invasive techniques that other plastic surgeries do.
Are all plastic surgery procedures performed in a hospital?
Invasive procedures are typically done in an operating room. That said, some of the less-invasive ones (especially those that don't require anesthesia) can be performed in an outpatient facility or even in the surgeon's office.
Who can perform facial surgeries?
Obviously, a doctor has to have training in a surgical area to perform these procedures. Or, at least you would think. Any licensed physician can offer and perform cosmetic procedures, according to the American Board of Cosmetic Surgery. When it comes to certified surgeons, you may find that some are "cosmetic surgeons" and others are "plastic surgeons." What's the difference? Cosmetic surgeons can perform facial procedures. This specialty is a part of what plastic surgeons can do though. Not only can plastic surgeons do cosmetic facial surgeries, but they can also tackle challenging repairs from congenital birth defects and trauma.
How can a patient tell the difference between a cosmetic and plastic surgeon?
Ask! Cosmetic surgeons follow the training requirements (and are certified by) the American Board of Cosmetic Surgery, while plastic surgeons are certified by the American Board of Plastic Surgery.
Facial plastic surgery provides patients with the chance to correct issues that have been present since birth, recover from accidents/trauma, or achieve a look that they feel is more aesthetically pleasing. Keep in mind that each surgery is different—because each individual is different. When deciding whether to go ahead with a surgery, always talk to a qualified pro. The two of you can work together to make decisions that work for your specific situation.
For more information, contact SPECIAL SURGERY or a similar organization.