3 Things To Consider Before Breast Augmentation
Posted on: 19 March 2020
Breast augmentation can change the profile, size, and shape of your breasts. There are many reasons to undergo breast augmentation surgery, but the desired results are typically larger and fuller breasts. Many women look into breast augmentation because they are dissatisfied with their breasts in one way or another. It's a standard procedure to seek out after having children or after losing weight. If you are thinking about an augmentation procedure, here are three questions that you need to ask yourself.
What Results Do I Want?
If you are considering this procedure, the first thing that you need to consider is what results from the augmentation you desire. Do you want larger breasts? Are you seeking out more volume or a different shape? Breast implants are filled with silicone or saline. They are also available in a myriad of sizes and come in different textures. Discussing what you want your breasts to look like after the procedure will help your cosmetic surgeon determine which type of breast implants to use and where to place the implants.
Can I Afford It?
Another thing that you need to consider before undergoing a breast augmentation procedure is whether or not you can afford it. This procedure will require at least a few days of downtime, so you'll need to factor in any lost wages into the cost. How much breast augmentation costs will depend on the surgeon and how challenging the procedure will be. The average price of the breast augmentation procedure itself is $3,824, but total costs can amount to up to $12,000. Financing for breast augmentation is available.
What Are My Long-Term Plans?
You'll also want to consider your long-term plans before getting an augmentation. Implants typically last between 7 and 12 years. Often your first breast augmentation is not your last. However, it's essential to make sure that you are planning on making any changes that could impact your results. Many surgeons also recommend that you be close to your ideal weight before getting a breast augmentation. Losing a considerable amount of weight can affect your results and lead to sagging. While you can breastfeed with implants, you may want to delay augmentation until after having children.
Breast augmentation is a fantastic procedure for changing the appearance of the breasts. However, before you go through with this procedure, there are a few things to consider. First, you should discuss what results you are looking for with your surgeon. Knowing what you want will help your surgeon determine what implants and insertion techniques to use. Your budget is another thing to consider. Make sure you can afford the total cost of augmentation, including time off work. Finally, consider the future before getting implants. Weight loss and other changes to the body can impact your results.
To learn more about breast augmentation, contact a cosmetic surgeon near you.