Treating Your Varicose Veins

Posted on: 22 November 2022

Varicose veins are a fairly common problem that can impact individuals in almost any age group. While these veins can be very common, it is common for patients to have a limited or misguided understanding of this problem or the treatments that may be used for it.

Varicose Veins Can Become Painful For Some Patients

Varicose veins can cause significant cosmetic issues as they can be very noticeable because they will often form on the legs, arms, and other areas that are routinely visible. In addition to the noticeable cosmetic issues that varicose veins will cause, they can also cause some patients to experience intense pain and discomfort. More specifically, this will occur when a patient has been standing or walking for long periods of time.

Improving Circulation Can Help Reduce The Tendency For Varicose Veins To Form

For individuals who have a predisposition to developing varicose veins, improving their overall circulation can be a valuable tool in protecting themselves against this issue. Improving your circulation can help strengthen the valves in your veins. Those with poor circulation may experience issues where blood can become trapped in a vein due to a valve failing, and this can cause a varicose vein to form. By taking steps to improve your circulation and overall conditioning, you can help lessen the prospects of this occurring. While this may not be able to reverse varicose veins that have already formed, it can significantly reduce the risk of further varicose veins forming.

Surgical Removal Options Can Be Minimally Invasive

While varicose veins can be an uncomfortable problem that creates cosmetic issues, there are effective treatment solutions that can be utilized to neutralize and remove the varicose vein. In particular, there may be surgical options that can help address the varicose vein. One example of this could be physically removing the varicose vein. This can be done with an arthroscopic device that will use an extremely small incision. As a result, the patient will have a short and minor recovery that should not involve missing work or other important activities while the surgery site heals. Another option could be to use injectable solutions that will dissolve the vein. While these injections can effectively break down a varicose vein, it will take significantly longer than surgically removing it. In some cases, it may take up to several weeks for the varicose vein to fully disintegrate.

For more information, reach out to a varicose vein treatment specialist near you.
