3 Pivotal Recovery Steps To Take After A Tummy Tuck

Posted on: 3 October 2018
If you have some excess fat around your midsection that's hard to get rid of, a tummy tuck, or abdominoplasty, may be the perfect procedure for you. It's one of the more common cosmetic procedures today. So that you can make a full recovery after it's over, take these crucial care steps.  Don't Remain Inactive  Although you're supposed to get plenty of rest after having such an extensive procedure performed, you don't want to remain too inactive.
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A Look At 3 Lesser-Known Cosmetic Facial Procedures

Posted on: 25 August 2018
When most people think about cosmetic surgery on the face, the consider things like facelifts, nose jobs, and even eyelid procedures. However, the surgeons who work in this cosmetic surgery field are well versed in many different types of facial alteration procedures. Some of these procedures, like those already mentioned, are pretty heavily discussed among the general public. However, there are also facial cosmetic procedures that a lot of people do not know a great deal about.
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3 Non-Invasive Options For Treating Sunspots

Posted on: 28 July 2018
As you age, an unwanted consequence is sunspots or age spots showing up on your face, neck, and hands. These spots can give away your age even if you've managed to stave off wrinkles so far. Using fade creams and serum can help if your age spots aren't very dark yet, but ultimately you may find it's way more effective to opt for a cosmetic treatment. Here are a few options for non-invasive yet very effective treatments for sunspots.
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Smoking And Breast Augmentation — Three Things To Think About

Posted on: 28 June 2018
One of the questions that your cosmetic surgeon will definitely ask you when you sit down for a consultation to learn about breast augmentation surgery is whether or not you're a smoker. If you are, you might be surprised to hear that your surgeon will ask you to curb this habit before going through the procedure. In addition to being unhealthy in a wide variety of ways, smoking can potentially complicate the surgery recovery because of how it restricts the flow of blood throughout your body.
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